About Us

How are we able to offer such low prices?

  • Dealing direct with the manufacturer.
  • We don’t have a sales or customer service team. If you give us a call it will be to one of us running a machine.
  • We have a relentless focus on keeping overheads low. We don’t have a fancy bean to cup coffee machine, we have a kettle and instant coffee!
  • We use tried and tested machine automation to keep employee numbers low.
  • We don’t stock products, so we have no storage costs or cash tied up in stock.
  • We don’t offer credit terms, ALL customers are payment with order. This removes credit insurance risk, and allows us to pay our material suppliers upfront to get better prices.
  • All products are made to order. This allows you to purchase in any size or material that our machines can handle.
  • We use second hand machinery. Technology hasn’t hugely moved on for standard packaging, so machinery that made high quality boxes 15 years ago will still make high quality boxes today.
  • Transparent and open pricing. Nothing is free in this world, there is a cost to everything. So we start with the minimum then charge extra for the options. So you only pay for what you need.
  • Collection as standard. All of our prices are Exworks (EXW). So you can come and collect or arrange collection yourself. Alternatively, we can arrange for delivery direct to you with our trusted partner PC Howard (https://www.pchoward.com/), we will add 10% to their cost as a handling fee.

We only sell what we make

We are not a one stop shop, we are The Packaging Factory. We only sell what we can make, and we only make what we can make efficiently at our site in Huntingdon. The Packaging distributors exist to be your one stop shop, offering tens of thousands of different items bought in from various different manufacturers around the world, this is not what we do and we have no intention of ever going direct to consumer.

We are a Limited Company but work like a cooperative.

All too often the focus of a company is on the shareholders and ensuring they get their dividends. With the employees being kept in the dark about the state of the company, and not getting any benefit from the focus on dividends. Too often we have seen the people at the top take huge salaries and get wealthier and wealthier, then the rest of the staff can lose their job overnight in a slight downturn.

At the Packaging Factory we are different. Mutual respect and trust are the foundations of the company. We passionately believe the company is a united team, not status and individual egos. It is just as important that the employees are economically safe and can pay off their mortgages. The wealth should not just be held at the top.

At the Packaging Factory, employees and directors are paid the same salary and get the same benefits. And all employees are shareholders in the business, so get a share of the profits.

All employees are involved in future decisions of the company, whether that is additional equipment, additional employees, or a coffee machine! Everyone is affected by increases in overheads.

We each bring something unique to the mix, but we ALL pitch in and are multi-skilled. You may be an engineer who can improve and maintain our machines, but you’ll also need to run the machines and drive a forklift.

We each want to be challenged (in a stress-free way!), we need to continually improve as a team and ensure we have different thoughts and opinions.

Oh… and we make cardboard boxes!